Pure Flour From Europe Chef Recipe - Calzone With Escarole, Anchovies, Fresh Provola Cheese, Olives, Capers & Pine Nuts

Calzone With Escarole, Anchovies, Fresh Provola Cheese, Olives, Capers & Pine Nuts

A calzone is an oven-baked folded pizza.


1 Calzone


1 loaf of pizza dough (see recipes)
extra virgin olive oil, as needed

For the filling:

a few leaves of curly escarole, cleaned, washed and roughly chopped
50 g smoked fresh cheese, in pieces
2 anchovy fillets
a few stoned black olives
a handful of pine nuts
a handful of capers
10 g Pecorino, grated
a few fresh basil leaves, to garnish


Unlike for a pizza, when making a calzone, in order to get a slightly thicker base, stretch the loaf into a disc with a little less pressure on the inside and squash the crust so that it is as thin as possible. Put in the centre the escarole, the smoked cheese, the anchovies, the olives, the pine nuts and the capers and fold the disc over to make a crescent shape. Cook the calzone for 2 and a half minutes in the cooler part of the wood-fired oven closer to the opening so that it cooks through and the outside does not burn or in a domestic oven at 225°C on the top rack for 10-15 minutes.