Italian flour recipe filetto pizza

Filetto – pizza with fresh tomatoes

Suggested by Chef Angelo Romano – Pizzeria Infermento, Naples


1 Pizza


1 loaf of pizza dough (see recipes)
extra virgin olive oil, as needed
80 g of Pomodorini del piennolo del Vesuvio DOP tomatoes
50 g fior di latte dei Monti Lattari, in pieces
a few leaves of fresh basil (for both cooking and garnish)


Stretch out the pizza dough on the work surface. Add a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and then scatter the tomatoes, the fior di latte cheese and a few basil leaves. Cook in a wood-fired oven at a temperature of about 450° for 60-90 seconds or in a domestic oven at 225°C on the top rack for 10-15 minutes. Serve garnished with a few fresh basil leaves.